Monday, July 26, 2010

We're not ready was a whirlwind!

Now what do we do? We found a house that we love, we have another house for sale (that's been on the market for 130 days without an offer) and we live in yet another house. Do we really want 3 mortgage payments? Why of's the American way!!! Actually, we don't want 3 mortgage payments so we decided to pray. We asked the Lord if this was NOT right for us...then to close all the doors quickly. However, it was from Him, than to let this happen quickly and effortlessly.

So today, was a day of preparing and learning.

We learned that Fannie May was selling this house and offered a special finance program for foreclosures called 'Home Path' financing. We were able to get a pre-qualification letter from one of the Home Path lenders in order to submit an offer and also started putting together the financing and contract...but what offer do we submit? This took longer than expected.

Carrollton house update: Laura called to check on yesterday's showing with the Real Estate person...good news, they're going to submit an offer!

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