Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A little less stressful!

Today was a relatively quiet day comparatively speaking and a lot less stressful. There were a few addendum's to make to the contract; basically, we pushed the close date to Sept. 3rd from August 26th. Still searching for the 'perfect' financing but I'll will stop after we've checked out three different companies. Hope to have that accomplished tomorrow.

Carrollton house update: Sorry to report...still no offer! My tummy is getting a little nervous but for some reason, I still have a good feeling. Only time will tell and this is definitely a wait-and-see game!

Laura says that Kristin is searching for a roommate to move into the townhome with. I hope it works out for her although I hope it's not too much for her in the end. I certainly wouldn't want to put her a place that would overextend her financially.

Until tomorrow.

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